Annual Pension Payment Verifications Have Resumed

In April 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Boards of Trustees of the UFCW Northern California Employers Joint Pension Trust Fund, the UFCW Pharmacists, Clerks and Drug Employers Pension Plan, and the Retail Clerks Specialty Stores Pension Fund temporarily suspended the routine completion and submission requirement of Pension Payment Verification (PPV) forms until June 30, 2021. There has been no suspension of pension benefits during this period.

On July 1, 2021, the Board of Trustees of your Pension Plan resumed the annual Pension Payment Verification process.  PPV Forms will be mailed on a monthly basis to Retirees with upcoming birthdays. Please note, you are required to submit this document to the Trust Fund Office within 75 days of initial mailing to ensure monthly pension benefits are rightfully paid as entitled. There is no need to contact the Trust Fund Office at this time.  Happy Birthday in advance from the Trust Fund Office.