Find a Provider

Please become familiar with your provider's websites. You will find an array of tools at your fingertips by visiting your various provider websites and utilizing their services. For example, by creating a login account with your Vision provider you may be able to obtain discounts for your next pair of glasses, make appointments, review your claims and more.

Provider Phone
Cypress Dental (888) 951-7771 | On their website on the right, Click "Plan" and "Union Employees" to find the correct Provider for your dental plan.
Delta Dental (888) 335-8227 | Network: Delta Dental Premier
Elixir Rx Prescriptions UEBT: (844) 348-9612 | UCBT (833) 803-4392
Elixir Rx Prescriptions Price Transparency Tool Search for locations and network facility options
Health Net (800) 522-0088
Kaiser Permanente (800) 464-4000
Kaiser Permanente (HMO) Price Transparency Tool Calculate treatment to estimate your out-of-pocket costs
Liberty Dental (888) 703-6999
MedExpert (800) 999-1999 | Login with your existing credentials or register for a new account
Medicare (800)-MEDICARE | (800) 633-4277
Podiatry Plan (PPOC) (800) 367-7762 | Find a Podiatrist (foot and ankle specialist) inside of California. All services must be approved by Podiatry Plan
Prudential Life (973) 548-6634